WTF is intuition anyway?

"Pssssh! I'm not intuitive. I'm just making that up." 

If I had a dime for every time I thought that...

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According to, intuition is"the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning."

I grew up in a house with a very intuitive mother. We both had that knowing, as I called it. However, we didn't have the exact vocabulary for it.

As I grew up more, I realized that my knowing was perceived by the world as "crazy." Especially being a woman, my intuition was replaced by

"you're just too sensitive/too emotional/too needy."

I trusted other people's opinions to appease them, rather than appeasing myself.

Even though my stomach was screaming one thing (likedon't accept that job because you'll regret it!), I'd instantly ignore it so I could keep others comfortable while silently making myself suffer.

My body revolted: sickness, insomnia, anger, dizziness, and depression.

This is all until I started asking myself this very necessary question:

"What do YOU need in this moment?"

Honestly, when I started asking this question, I didn't really know. But, I gave myself the permission to trust me.

Then slowly my intuition came in. Sometimes that answer was simply"stay home." Sometimes that answer was to "text your friend who you haven't talked to in 10 years to see if they're okay." My intuition does not lie. She speaks with purpose.

I guarantee you can access your intuition as well. I'd even be willing to bet money on it! The question is:

"Can you give yourself the permission to access it?"

With this New Moon on Friday, be still and know. Light some candles. Sit in a bath/pool/dark room and get quiet. Get so quiet that you can hear your own thoughts, and write down:

  • What do I need in this moment (without overthinking it or judging it)?

  • What's the first thing I can do in obtaining what I need?


Dopamine is your friend


Hey friend! You doing okay?