What Does it Take?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

What Does it Take?

Through theater and music, they created spaces to resist, to heal, and to call for change. They reminded us that art has always been a form of rebellion, a way to speak truth to power when words alone aren’t enough.

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Where Do We Start?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Where Do We Start?

You’ve probably found yourself asking that question a lot lately. And yeah, it can feel overwhelming. But here’s the thing: systems of oppression thrive on us feeling exhausted, defeated, and disconnected. They are designed to keep us too tired, too distracted, and too broken to fight back.

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WTF is Going On?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

WTF is Going On?

So...here we are. A new year. It's been pretty tame and mild so far, wouldn't you agree?

Jokes aside, I want to humanize the fact that we're seeing a lot unfold in front of us in what feels like rapid speed. Genocide, elections, fires, the battle over free speech (looking at you, TikTok), all under a Cancer Fu

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What Are You Aspiring Towards?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

What Are You Aspiring Towards?

I'm a hater for the hype of this holiday. "It's gonna be a new year, so you better make resolutions, have an epic night, clean your house, lose that holiday weight…OR ELSE!!!"

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What if Rest is the Answer?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

What if Rest is the Answer?

Rest often gets a bad reputation. For so many, waiting feels like non-productivity or even laziness. But thanks to voices like Tricia Hersey, we’re learning that rest is a powerful, active stance of resistance against oppressive systems. As she beautifully puts it: “Rest is reclaiming our power and our right to simply be.” 💪

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The Power of Owning Your Unruly Self
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

The Power of Owning Your Unruly Self

Having an unpleasant emotion in women (and other marginalized groups) is considered a sign of not being able to be controlled, not adhering to or being a functioning part of society. And when men experience it too, it's common for them being negatively tied to femininity. 

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Permission to Play
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Permission to Play

From a young age, we're taught that permission comes from others. But as adults, we hold the power to grant it to ourselves. Choosing joy—like picking up a coloring book instead of tackling endless tasks—can be transformative, nurturing self-compassion and reminding us that our happiness is valuable.

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Can Joy and Grief Coexist?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Can Joy and Grief Coexist?

Oh hey, Holiday Season, back so soon? It's an odd mix to feel heaviness and excitement at the same time, isn't it? 

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Are You In?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Are You In?

I’ve been carrying a steady, simmering rage since 2016, one that grows with every hard truth and buried injustice I unveil.

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Love/Hate Gratitude
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Love/Hate Gratitude

I have a love-hate relationship with the word gratitude

Like, the essence of itI LOVE! But it's become so overused…

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What is honoring?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

What is honoring?

What exactly is honoring? I’ve been sitting with that word for a while….

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Is It Just Me?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Is It Just Me?

Sometimes the brain likes to say, "You're weird. You're the only one going through this, and you're wrong for feeling this way."

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Is This Thing On?
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Is This Thing On?

It’s been a while since I’ve sent an email, but today, I’m reaching out with an offering of love and compassion…

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It’s back!
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

It’s back!

My most popular self-love and healing class is back! Registration is LIVE!

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Just Say No
Tara Harbert Tara Harbert

Just Say No

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to you.”

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