Where Do We Start?

"Where do I start?"

You’ve may have found yourself asking that question a lot lately. And yeah, it can feel overwhelming.

As you may know, systems of oppression absolutely thrive on us feeling exhausted, defeated, and disconnected. They are designed to keep us too tired, too distracted, and too broken to fight back.

One of the most powerful ways to resist? Heal. Love yourself. Reclaim your power

For me, as of late, this is showing up as: reducing my social media time, reading "Hood Feminism" by Mikki Kendall, focusing on the word discernment, and creating my Love/Advocacy class.

These are areas that are within my control and accessible to me, where I have the most impact, and can support others along this process. Asking that question, "what is within my control and where do I have most impact" helps with the where do I start aspect.  

Through our self healing, we are actively dismantling the narratives that tell us we're not worthy. When we take care of ourselves, in a small and actionable way, we build the strength and clarity to push back hard.

This isn’t about soft, passive healing. This is about fortifying yourself so you can rise up, take action, and support others in the fight.

Here’s a place to start:

Get support. Work with a therapist, chat with me, read, download the Insight Timer app, or follow people who challenge and inspire you. Healing doesn’t happen in isolation, and there are so many resources out there.

Question everything. Be relentless in your curiosity. Ask yourself, Why do I talk to myself this way? Who benefits from me feeling small? What would it take to unlearn this?

Prioritize real self-care. Not just bubble baths, y'all. The kind that strengthens your mind and body: movement, deep rest, setting boundaries, feeding yourself well, getting outside. Your well-being is a direct act of rebellion.

This is a process. Some days it will feel like progress...and some days it won’t. But every step you take towards your own liberation chips away at the systems that were built to break you. Keep going.

In my Love and Advocacy Grace & Gratitude Journaling Circle, we’ll explore these steps of healing together. This class will offer space for reflection, guided meditation, and community connection. Join me on February 16th from 4-6 PM PST via Zoom.

You are welcome here! 


What Does it Take?


WTF is Going On?