WTF is Going On? we are. A new year. It's been pretty tame and mild so far, wouldn't you agree?

Jokes aside, I want to humanize the fact that we're seeing a lot unfold in front of us in what feels like rapid speed. Genocide, elections, fires, the battle over free speech (looking at you, TikTok), all under a Cancer Full Moon?! Y'all, the grief meters are off the charts as of late!

Someone close to me recently said, "I am in such a funk and don't know why" to which I kindly reminded her, "Look at ALL the stuff you're battling personally, on top of everything happening in the world." We had a good laugh as soon as she realized, "no wonder I was so tired!"

The thing is, all this "stuff" happening externally and around us might (and probably has been) shoved off into the category of "things we cannot control." To an extent, that is absolutely right. Though I do believe a lot of internal conflict is happening because it's dismantling so many things we found comfort in. It is affecting us way more personally and communally. 

Like, I love Instagram and I've used it for my practice for years. However now, I'm really struggling internally with how horrific the Meta platform is. Do I want to stay on it? I rely on it heavily for my practice. So I'm considering my core values and what is being called to change.

Who or what have I been supporting that might contribute to oppression, and how do I want to show up differently?

I can't say I have that all figured out yet, but I do appreciate how this upheaval and change is causing me discomfort because I'm suddenly conscious of these issues.

When things change, it's inevitable that grief follows. For me, I notice it when I say things like "it wasn't supposed to be this way" or "I'm so angry/scared of this happening."

I'm curious, how do you notice grief around? Is it in something you say or do?

Then then leads to ask "how do I dismiss grief, and how can I support it?" An example of dismissal for me personally is when I say, "I don't have time for this." My support for it becomes to make sure I have at least  evening free to blob about and cry it out. 

Once compassion enters the chat, it opens up so much by way of support so we can then take action. Compassion is in the identification of how we're feeling and allowing ourselves to feel funky or unsettled.

I’m offering two free 50-minute 1-on-1 Zoom sessions for those directly affected by the LA County fires. These sessions are a safe space tailored to what you need most: whether that's sharing your story, receiving compassion, exploring guidance through tarot, or simply having a place to vent.

If you or a loved one could use this support, send me an email to claim one of the two available spots.

In the meantime, Save the date! On February 16th, I’m hosting a collective healing Zoom class to help us process and connect. More details to come!

Love to you all!


Where Do We Start?


What Are You Aspiring Towards?