Letting go and giving thanks.

This photo is my Fall Equinox alter. She’s simple, and she speaks to the heart of what I’m claiming: power!


You know that feeling. You see someone on Instagram who is killing it. You start to wonder, “what am I doing wrong in life?” You start freaking out. You compare and you minimize your accomplishments because they don’t seem nearly as cool as "So-And-So".


Then it hits you:

“oh s**t... I’m giving away my power!”


This alter is for all the moments of "not enoughness" that I’ve held as truth. It’s for all the moments that I’ve wrapped my value around a “like” or some other external validation. It's also for all the moments that I've blindly assumed that just because someone seems happy that they don't know what struggle is. 


Hecate and Benzai-Gen are goddess (represented in the oracle cards) here to help me re-introduce myself to beauty and remind me of who the f**k I am!


And this is the beauty of this Fall season: letting go and giving thanks.

Honor all that you’ve done in these past months as you slip steadily into a personal hibernation of reflection and stillness.


I invite you to find the magic within and around you as if your life depended on it. Because in these dark times? It does.

What does this season mean to you?

I invite you to grab your journal and answer this,:

“What do I desire to shed in order for new life to grow?”

After you’re done, sit with hands over your heart and eyes closed, and make this declaration to yourself:

“I honor and give thanks to all the emotions within me.”


And so it is!


I'm excited to announce that I'm now offering a Tarot Package Deal! You'll receive 4 Zoom Tarot Sessions at 10% off the single session cost!

Schedule them at your convenience, or anytime you need guidance!

This package is ideal for someone who desires to dig deeper into the core of the doubt within.


Your pain is your power.


Take Back Your Power