Take Back Your Power
Feeling powerless sucks. Doesn't it?
Often, when we feel powerless in our own lives, we stop realizing that our day is comprised of choices. It’s the small choices that make the most monumental change, like getting out of bed in the morning or taking 5 minutes of silence.
Yet, we somehow convince ourselves that our choices aren't worthy of praise. So it becomes something we gloss over.
On the days that I don't feel like a badass, I make a choices list.
My choices list is just that: a list of all the things I choose to do to help me / empower me / bring me joy. It can be as little or big as I want it to be.
Some examples are:
I choose to wake up 1.5 hours before I start work for me time: making myself breakfast, walking my dog and meditating.
I choose to educate myself on the things I do not know so that I can grow spiritually & mentally.
I choose to listen to my body and rest when I need it.
This list helps to activate your third chakra (solar plexus). This energy center is directly tied to you confidence and self-empowerment. This chakra sits in the upper abdomen area, right above the belly button. This is where so many of us feel that "gut feeling."
When your solar plexus is blocked, you'll find yourself doubting your capabilities, second guessing everything, and questioning your purpose.
When your solar plexus is aligned, you'll find yourself moving with certainty, motivation, and self-trust. Sounds better, right?
So grab your journal and a cup of tea. Sit down and ask yourself:
"What do I choose?"
After you're done, sit with hands over your heart, eyes closed, and make this declaration to yourself:
"I honor the power within me."
The more you practice this exercise, the more powerful you will be. And living an empowered life? That is yours for the taking.