Why is this so tough?
Investing in myself has been one of the scariest things I’ve ever done!
I’m not just taking about spending money on myself. I’m talking about the act of saying:
“I’m going to do this thing because it’s what I want and I’m worthy of having it.”
It's the act of doing the thing our heart and soul needs.
Jumping into any situation without knowing the outcome takes a great deal of vulnerability which translates directly to bravery.
As someone who has always used control as a coping mechanism for my anxiety and fear, jumping into the unknown feels like ripping off a giant bandaid.
If I keep pretending like I’m fine on my own and can do it all, no one will notice. Right? RIGHT?!?
So. Wrong.
Every time I invest in myself, I notice drastic shifts within. They show up as:
Acknowledging I can’t manage life alone, and turning to a loved one for help.
Grace for my feelings and emotions, with the understanding my needs and wants don’t need any justification.
Easing in my day, and shifting my priorities of what actually matters, like joy and connection, instead of anything not rooted in love.
Self-investment is a commitment to the universe, declaring “I can, and I will.”
It’s the ultimate act of self-love.
When we hold back on investing in ourselves, our root chakra kicks in. Our safety center that lays at the base of our spine says, "WHOA! New territory. I like it better when you stick with what you know." We feel unsafe, maybe because of bad investments or choices in the past, which then leads to mistrust in our own decisions.
It also shows up in the form of our ego, the fear based center that lays within, throwing up a protection shield. That's when imposter syndrome shows up. This voice tells our solar plexus, our hub of confidence and strength, to cower down and hide.
Both hurt, and both hinder
Grab your journal, a cup of tea, and write down:
When was a time you invested in myself?
How did it change me for the better? ️